Hola bueno quería saber si me pueden ayudar a extraer los archivos comprimidos del dbz bt3 en las animaciones para lograr portearlas al dbz ttt del psp ya realize pruebas y hay 2 formatos de animaciones una libre y una comprimida la primera logre portearla con zlib pero el segundo formato el cual esta comprimido y pues no tuve éxito seria de mucha ayuda que me echaran una mano
hi, this topic had already been discussed with another user called Thejuliodroids a long time ago, however the new ones are helped, quick bms needs some .bms format files that give the function to the program, investigating a bit of the game and many things I think what you need is this https://mega.nz/#!tqhzlTbJ!qrvXYQdBQ2H2 ... HC__3Xjah4 of anything, the game is entertaining should try to play, by the way I think this is to adapt a decompression of free format and pass it to free format and then compress it even more, hahahaha anyway you have left