# script for QuickBMS http://aluigi.altervista.org/quickbms.htm
get FOLDER basename idstring "\x4E\x61\xBC\x00" get NUM_TYPES long for i = 0 < NUM_TYPES get EXT string get START_TABLE_OFFSET long get FILES_OF_TYPE long savepos TMP goto START_TABLE_OFFSET for j = 0 < FILES_OF_TYPE getdstring NAME 0x8 get SIZE long get OFFSET long string NAME p "%s\%s.%s" FOLDER NAME EXT log NAME OFFSET SIZE next j goto TMP next i
Delutto wrote:Zwei The Arges Adventure DAT Unpacker Ps.: The game read files from extracted folder.
Wow! Thanks a lot!
Containers .mmv or .tor textures hard format for UnPacker tool? Example http://dropmefiles.com/YEqoI unpacked .mmv and .tor. Do you know where the text files ...maybe .txm?
Sorry but textures is not my thing... About the texts, I don't checked this, but seeing your attachment files, I think they are encrypted, like xored or something like that. Is needed disassembly skills to brake this, and I don't have such knowledge to do that.