There are 5 "tmd0" files and 17 dds that are probably part of the tmd0 files, but the structure of the "archive" is not that clear. Do you have other samples?
I would like to share my far from perfect effort. It doesn't extract everything and it was tested with \UI folder mostly. It does work with the sample.
TheUkrainianBard wrote:I would like to share my far from perfect effort. It doesn't extract everything and it was tested with \UI folder mostly. It does work with the sample.
I'm not RTB and can't help you with any errors. You should ask in the thread I linked if it's not working. That said, it works for me. Make sure you're using the bms script (that mikulover39 wrote) found in RTB's thread to extract the cat files. The files in screenshot you posted above are different than the files miku's script kicks out.
Also, the process to use the script is slightly convoluted so here is a explanation. Run quickbms with miku's cat script on a cat file. It'll extract a few more cat files. Run the script again on the larger cat files (ignore small files only a kb or so in size). One kicks out a tmd file that works with RTB's max script and the other kicks out more cat files. Extract those with the cat script again to get a couple dat files. Finally, run quickbms with the script I've attached on the dat files to get textures.
*I don't remember where the script came from or I'd link to it.
ssringo wrote:I'm not RTB and can't help you with any errors. You should ask in the thread I linked if it's not working. That said, it works for me. Make sure you're using the bms script (that mikulover39 wrote) found in RTB's thread to extract the cat files. The files in screenshot you posted above are different than the files miku's script kicks out.
Also, the process to use the script is slightly convoluted so here is a explanation. Run quickbms with miku's cat script on a cat file. It'll extract a few more cat files. Run the script again on the larger cat files (ignore small files only a kb or so in size). One kicks out a tmd file that works with RTB's max script and the other kicks out more cat files. Extract those with the cat script again to get a couple dat files. Finally, run quickbms with the script I've attached on the dat files to get textures.
*I don't remember where the script came from or I'd link to it.