Also work with Warriors Allstars, Dynasty Warriors 9, Nioh, Nioh 2, Fire Emblem Warriors, may work with other games.
Usage: drop something on the tool
1. G1M will produce ASCII model and SMD skeleton
2. G1T will extract all textures in "texture" folder
3. GMPK will extract G1M & G1T
4. MDL (from Nioh) will extract G1M
5. bin.gz (from Fire Emblem Warriors) will extract G1M & G1T
Important NOTES
- ASCII format will have extended info for correct bone rotations. Noesis plugin that reads them is included.
- If model skeleton is in separate file, you need to drag both model and skeleton, dropping the skeleton onto the EXE. Alternatively, you can run the tool with 2 parameters:
ffsnt <model> <skeleton>

All cloth submeshes extracted and correctly placed.