modding is not my area but there is a SDTextureConverter here you could try is Noesis python script for fun that will open most of your PC version samples
supports dxt1, dxt5, ati2, top level mip only
and i assumed your samples
are from PC version, right?
open the file with perm.bin (headers) in the name and the script will find the
paired file with temp.bin (data) in the name if they are next to each other .
also some of your samples had zero data which leads me to think something might
have went wrong with the tool you used to extract the bins from the big file.
found the research thread here
looks like you changed the subject of the thread, this is graphics section of forum
so i will only reply about the texture samples.
it also looks like you removed the PC version samples and replaced them with PS4 samples.
here are the original samples posted if anyone else cares to have a look
okay looks like you uploaded a new sample set