Tosyk wrote:this is a part of tutorial, you need follow it. I don't understand what you don't understand.
How can you run the tool like "*******"? Like change the rpkg right?
I don't know how clear the process of extracting models from hitman 6 could be explained than 'run hitman6.exe list.txt' in the Windows console. list.txt is your 'list with numbers' as you call it. look at the attached image
Oke i got it but it says that it cant find list.txt and idk how to make it.
id-daemon wrote:run Hitman6 > list.txt and it will create list.txt
I have the .smd and .ascii and the materials, i've managed to get the SMD and ASCII into Blender using addons, the face and body are rigged and stuff but they are not textured, i found the ****_materials.txt and copied all folders with the materials on the list to a materials folder but how do i correctly set the dds files and materials and stuff up so it looks like (Photo from @id-daemon) I found people saying like Noesis, so i downloaded it. The program cant open the .ASCII but it does open SMD files. It shows the bones correctly, but again not the textures how do i "say" to Blender (And if needed to Noesis) where the textures are located so Blender can apply them correctly? Because it did make the correct materials but if i open them in the node editor they are empty. Can someone please help me with setting up my Agent 47?
rtscholten, you can't apply textures automatically with these tools. You have to do it manually - as image of the hitman head above. look at the name of the model, then search material text file with the same name, then open this material text file and you'll see the list of texture names used by this model.
all textures already should be extracted if you said you have ASCII/SMD files.
Tosyk wrote:rtscholten, you can't apply textures automatically with these tools. You have to do it manually - as image of the hitman head above. look at the name of the model, then search material text file with the same name, then open this material text file and you'll see the list of texture names used by this model.
all textures already should be extracted if you said you have ASCII/SMD files.
Yes i know, i have all the textures that were in the txt file but how do i properly set them up?
This will extract all models from all files listed in INI files, and put them into folders according to game tree. For example, if some hitman outfit (or some NPC) consists of 9 models, they will all be in one folder.
Warning: it will create a lot of duplicates, because naturally some models are shared between many outfits/npcs.
With "all" option, all materials will be put into ONE common folder called "materials". With "alltxt" option, materials will be put into separate subfolder for each model set, and this will increase output size tremendously, because of even more duplicates.
2. Patch support
To support patches, new INI file is needed - rpkg_patch.ini You can regulate what to extract by deleting lines in these files. For example, if you delete ALL files in rpkg.ini - it will only extract patches and so on.
3. Static objects support
Most static objects will be extracted both with new "all" options, and old options where you can extract individual model or a list of models.
Hi Daemon, thank you for your tool. And, is that Hitman6 > list.txt included static mesh in lastest version? I guess it doesn't have static mesh. For me, textures almost broken, especially with _dx10 file. Do I need specify use tool under windows and directx version for textures?