Current state: all skeletal and most static models can be extracted with skeletons and textures. You must be able to get and check models now and start finding their hashes.
When run, the tool will output a model in SMD & ASCII, and a material text file with a list of all materials used by this model. All these textures will be extracted to corresponding folders.
To work, the tool needs rpkg.ini and/or rpkg_patch.ini - list of packages to look for models, you must edit it with your folder names.
1. run tool without parameters
It will output a list of skeletal models in all packages from RPKG.ini
So if you want only models from DLC5, delete other lines from RPKG.ini
For example, run Hitman6 > list.txt and it will create list.txt
This list has hash, size, number of materials for each model.
you have an idea, if it has 10 materials and its big, its probably character
2. to get one model, run the tool like Hitman6 6D1BF1B36511FD
this will create hitman's tie
3. to get all models in a list, run Hitman6 list.txt or drop list.txt onto the EXE
4. to get all models as game tree, run Hitman6 all or Hitman6 alltxt

Cloth is weighted to the main skeleton