Hi, i'm trying translate this game in spanish, I have some problem reimporting a file This is the bat to extract the files quickbms.exe vagante_vra.bms data.vra vangate_data
to reimport just quickbms.exe -G -w -r vagante_vra.bms data.vra vangate_data
I have this error TEPORARY_FILE? I'm doing something wrong?
I modified just the file 'loading.png' in gfx\gui\ btw, about that, how I can extract some specific file/directory? like data.vra\gfx\gui\loading.png or data.vra\gfx\gui\ ?
comtype zlib_noerror get SIZE asize clog TEMPORARY_FILE 0 SIZE SIZE open "." TEMPORARY_FILE
Use reimport.bat selecting TEMPORARY_FILE, remember that you cannot change the size of your files. Then you must compress TEMPORARY_FILE and renaming it as the original archive, use this script for compressing: