Wassup guys... 2 years after ... i still stucked in this RAW files ... At least i was able to extract the audio/FX from that first folder... but i need to open now these RAW files that contains models/textures ... these files don't have header but i finded something , i don't know if this relevant or not ... but here it is : https://imgur.com/a/ehF8u9K
the biggest files have this bunch of "8p"
If someone can help me that I appreciate it ... Thanks
That sequence of consecutive bytes "may" exclude the usage of compression but the whole file is a mess of bytes without any apparent meaning, not just random data but more like some sort of "fields" like compressed integers or similar.
Thanks for the reply , well ... i think we can call that progress haha , these files are the same of the others Racjin games , like Bleach & Fullmetal Alchemist