Both tools are made to work with files made by Sir Kane's extractor (renamed or not).
1. Model/cloth tool - DXMDmodel.exe
- for models, select 2 corresponding files (PRIM & BORG) and drop them onto the tool - it will make ASCII & SMD model. Both will have skeleton, but as usual, ASCII will hold all UV pairs.
- for cloth, drop APEX file onto the tool - it will make ASCII cloth with skeleton. This skeleton will be compatible with main model, but no proper bone rotations, so load main model first, and then append cloth to it.
2. PureHair tool - PureHair.exe (will also work with Tomb Raider)
Drop PHHA hair file (the biggest of 3) onto the tool - it will make ASCII & OBJ files with hair. OBJ will have edges (lines). You can build mesh of desired thickness from it. ASCII will have simple triangles built on same vertices. Its very thin, and can be improved later (if i will have time). The real game builds 2 triangles for each vertex, so it works as intended.

Hair will have submeshes:

Both main model & cloth are weighted to the skeketon: