A little bit of backgroud: I'm trying to extract the images from Nioh: Complete Edition (PC version). I managed to extracted the .lnk files into thousands of different files format: .eff, .gt1 (not g1t), .g2a etc. I guess the textures and images in general are stored in the .gt1 files since most of them have the GT1G0600 headers. So I used the tool here to unpack them: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=7788&hilit=nioh
The problem is:
- If the header is GT1G0600, I could extract all the .dds files. And the size of all .dds files is quite close to the original .gt1 file (a few MB in general).
- If the header is GT1G1600, the tool stills extract several .dds files, but the overall sizes are very different. The sum of all .dds file is ~4 50MB less than the origial .gt1 file.
So I suspect it also contain other image files other than dds. But I have no way to extract them. I'd appreciate it if somebody can point me to the right direction. Alternatively, if any of you already extract all the assets (especially the images, I don't need the models) from Nioh, I would love if you can help me to do so, or share it with me

Here are some samples: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing