I tried some aluigi scripts to extract this .dpc files but maybe they should update. http://aluigi.org/papers/bms/others/ratatouille_dpc.bms
https://mega.nz/#!OlFRCYZS!pYJxpd8Uqxms ... UE43h-W9hg
Rush a disney pixar adventure.DPC
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Re: Rush a disney pixar adventure.DPC
The Asobo format is ever a mess but this specific file doesn't seem to have a crc field for identifying where the file entry starts and probably contains just one file.
In short I can't fix the script.
In short I can't fix the script.
- Posts: 48
- Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2015 4:15 pm
Re: Rush a disney pixar adventure.DPC
thank you anyway Aluigi
- Posts: 81
- Joined: Wed Sep 17, 2014 2:28 pm
Re: Rush a disney pixar adventure.DPC
got this

when scan data for wave files
i'am looking for get friendlyname of file
sample https://bit.ly/2FiQNAQ

when scan data for wave files
Code: Select all
# scan data for wave files
# RIFF and RIFX header supported
# note: There are wave files with a wrong file size after RIFF/RIFX
# This script takes the stream size, adds the header size and writes the correct size after RIFF/RIFX
# (c) 2012-06-26 by AlphaTwentyThree
# future update plans:
# - option to also write data between found wave files to disk
# - option to automatically transform the file to a playable or at least decodable format
for i = 1 # run through loop with count variable i
FindLoc OFFSET string "WAVE" 0 "" # search for "WAVE", save position as variable OFFSET
if OFFSET == "" # when nothing is found
cleanexit # the script exits (e.g. at end of file)
math OFFSET -= 8 # jump to possible
goto OFFSET # RIFF/RIFX file start
getDstring IDENT 4 # read string of 4 bytes, save variable as IDENT
if IDENT == "RIFX" # differentiate between header possibilities
endian big # set endianness to big, if file has RIFX identifier
callfunction write 1 # see function section below
elif IDENT == "RIFF" # endianness stays little
callfunction write 1 # also run function
else # string "WAVE" found, but doesn't belong to wave file
set SIZE 0xc # do as if something with 0xc bytes was found to continue search from the right position
set SEARCH OFFSET # set marker to position from where to search next
math SEARCH += SIZE # (that would be after the file that was found)
if SEARCH == FSIZE # in case the last found file ends with the main file, we exit
goto SEARCH # if we haven't exited the script above, we set out cursor to after the last found file
next i
startfunction write # function "write" starts here, is called when a wave file is found above
get NAME basename # save name without extension under variable NAME
string NAME += "_" # add underscore to the name
string NAME += i # add the loop variable to the name
goto OFFSET # set cursor to the beginning of the found file
get DUMMY long # RIFF/RIFX identifier, not needed
get DUMMY long # riff size, not needed
get DUMMY long # "WAVE", not needed, we arrive at the "fmt " section
for # loop search for the "data" section at the start of the stream (get the stream size from there)
getDstring AREA_NAME 4 # name of area in header
get AREA_SIZE long # size of area in header
savepos MYOFF # save position we are at
if AREA_NAME == "data" # when we arrive at the needed "data" area:
break # we exit the loop
else # otherwise:
if AREA_NAME == "LIST" # that's the area of the marker names
callfunction retrievename 1 # see below
math MYOFF += AREA_SIZE # not reached "data" area -> adjust cursor position...
goto MYOFF # ... and go there
next # remember: the cursor is now directly at the stream start
set STREAMSIZE AREA_SIZE # the last AREA_SIZE is the size we need (size of the audio stream)
math HEADERSIZE -= OFFSET # calculate the size of the stream header (offset - offset = size)
math SIZE += STREAMSIZE # calculate complete file size (header + stream = file)
log MEMORY_FILE OFFSET SIZE # write file to memory
math SIZE -= 8 # subtract 8 bytes to get the riff size
putVarChr MEMORY_FILE 4 SIZE long # write the correct riff size to the header inside the memory
string NAME += ".wav" # add extension to the name (the name could contain the name of the first marker if the file has markers)
math SIZE += 8 # add the subtracted 8 bytes again
log NAME 0 SIZE MEMORY_FILE # write file in memory to disk
endfunction # remember that we continue with our next i now!
startfunction retrievename # get possible file name from first marker name, rmember: our cursor is after the size of the LIST area
get DUMMY long # always "adtl", not needed
get DUMMY long # always "labl", not needed
get MSIZE long # size of the label area for this marker
math MSIZE -= 4 # subtracting 4 bytes leaves us with the length of the marker label
get DUMMY long # marker type, not needed
getDstring MNAME MSIZE # cursor is at the beginning of the label name, now get the marker name with the desired length MSIZE
string NAME += "~"
string NAME += MNAME # add the marker name to the file name
i'am looking for get friendlyname of file
sample https://bit.ly/2FiQNAQ
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Tue Dec 29, 2020 11:31 pm
Re: Rush a disney pixar adventure.DPC
Did you guys ever figure it out? I am also trying to rip these models too