Looking at them in a hex editor shows that they are probably BNTX(A standard switch texture container)

It's definitely compressed data, but can it be decompressed?
That is my question.
There is other compressed formats in the game(CBFMD, CBNTX etc etc), and there is a decompression script for them.
https://www.vg-resource.com/thread-29836.html (Source)
https://mega.nz/#!i5h03IRB!s7BYtPqmW9R4Vww1u_En-e24qbSXsnIwiCqgbwSASjU (BMS Script)
But apparently these CBTEX files use different compression.
Just thought i'd mention that too.
Here's a sample CBTEX:
And a sample CBNTX for comparisons sake: