Basically, it eventually runs into an error like this:
Code: Select all
- open input file C:\Users\faint\Documents\SwitchDumps\MarioRabbidsKingdomBattle\romfs\moria\sdf\nx\data\sdf-C-2265.sdfdata
00000000 119 moria/baked/art/[assets]/[generictexture]/
- The following output file already exists:
Do you want to overwrite it?
y = overwrite (you can use also the 'o' key)
n = skip (default, just press ENTER)
a = overwrite all the files without asking
r = automatically rename the files with the same name
s = skip all the existent files without asking
Some files are split across the SDFDATA archives and the script runs into issues with this, but
no matter what option you choose here it immediately goes into this:
Code: Select all
Error: incomplete input file 1: C:\Users\faint\Documents\SwitchDumps\MarioRabbidsKingdomBattle\romfs\moria\sdf\nx\data\sdf-C-2265.sdfdata
Can't read 114 bytes from offset 00000005.
Anyway don't worry, it's possible that the BMS script has been written
to exit in this way if it's reached the end of the archive so check it
or contact its author or verify that all the files have been extracted.
Please check the following coverage information to know if it's ok.
coverage file 1 100% 5 5 . offset 00000005
Last script line before the error or that produced the error:
127 log name packageOffset decompressedSize 1
The script also doesn't support the merging of DDS headers from the SDFTOC file to the output DDS files in the extracted SDFDATA, so it has to be done manually at the moment, Although theres a whole other issue with those that i'd need to go post about on the Graphics Files board instead(Basically its an obscure DXGI format that uses ASTC i think)
Running the script on smaller amounts of SDFDATA at a time seems to help with the issues a bit but the file splitting is still an issue.
One of my friends was trying to modify the tool the script is based off (Rogue_SDF) to work with this game but ran into issues with "chunks"? That's all i know.
I'll send samples if required but i think a full dump may be needed to properly investigate the issues.
Any help would be appreciated

In the meantime here is a screenshot of one of the models that managed to extract properly and load in Noesis.