Same is also loaded as the first thing when first opening the game if tracked with Wireshark (HTTP).
This file used to be a flat text file in the start of 2018.
Later on they converted it to SQLite 3 format.
Today it's... well, DB` file.
Looks like this when opened with Sublime Text 3.

Also there are some mentions of a file type "t3db" in some other files.
All files are downloaded with random names.
Here's some examples:
There's no file extension for this file, besides attachments can also be downloaded from EA's servers directly. ... rm=Android
This file contains names of all the other files in the game and you can just change the Qwl5mV2BZD part to link above with the needed name from the file I need to open.
Which makes life way easier.
I'd be extremely glad if someone knows how to open this weird file in a readable format.
Been trying for over a week now, couldn't make any process. :/
Thank you!
Edit: I've got an error "The extension is not allowed." because file has no extension I believe.
You can use EA's link ( ... rm=Android) to get the file.