Hi! I want to translate a japanese psx game called Aconcagua to english/spanish. It seems that all the text is in a file called PROGRAM.BIN. The game is double-disc but I think it's the same structure in each disc. Could somebody help me create a script to extract/inject the in-game text or just decompress/compress the file? This post have more information on the file compression http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.p ... #msg352700
The bin looks like a container so the information about the archived files are somewhere else, maybe in another small file. The real problem is the compression algorithm because it's none of those available in quickbms. It's probably an algorithm that has something in common with CLZ77 and MSLZSS1.
I leave my work-in-progress script which scans the PSX-EXE strings for finding the files, obviously it DOES NOT WORK because no compression is available (it's just a scfript for myself):
comtype ??? get BIN_SIZE asize for OFFSET = 0 != BIN_SIZE goto OFFSET findloc OFFSET binary "PS-X EXE" goto OFFSET idstring "PS-X EXE" goto 0x14 0 SEEK_CUR get XSIZE long goto 0xb0 0 SEEK_CUR get DUMMY long get SIZE long get ZSIZE long get DUMMY long # ever 1 math OFFSET + 0x800 if SIZE == 0 math ZSIZE = XSIZE log "" OFFSET ZSIZE else clog "" OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE endif math OFFSET + ZSIZE math OFFSET x 0x800 next
It seems like a really difficult compression, i was wondering why anybody haven't tried to translate the game, but it makes sense now. Thanks a lot anyways aluigi, I appreciate your time and your help a lot!