I'm trying to retrieve Ragnarok Eternal Love (Mobile game) assets such as Items, NPCs, and Skills data. This game is built with Unity.
So far I have successfully decompiled game translated string, audio & image files using AssetStudio (tried unity.bms, but error).
Unfortunately, there is 1 folder named "script2", which I assume containing the data that I'm looking for, is encrypted.

All encrypted data starts with same header
Code: Select all
63 7A 6A 7A 67 71 64 65 // file header
93 0C 00 00 // payload size
For example:

script2 folder: https://www.mediafire.com/file/twdpvwm9 ... s.rar/file
script2 TextAsset (decompiled using AssetStudio): http://www.mediafire.com/file/luy6l899h ... t.rar/file
Game client APK: https://www.ragnaroketernallove.com/apkdl or https://rescdn.imtxwy.com/apk/ro-sea/RO ... 798060.apk
Thanks in advance!