Note: you DONT need to extract ANY files before using the tool, it exports all data right from FAT/DAT files
Whole USA map is split into 20x12 areas (0,0 is south west corner). For the first game, its 19x11 areas.
Each area is square 8x8 sectors.
Notes before using the tool:
- this version works with both games: The Crew 1 and The Crew 2
- you need oo2core_5_win64.dll from the game, place it next to the tool
- edit config.ini (set paramaters)
- edit .ini files with your paths
Usage: thecrew2map ax ay sx sy type
ax ay - area coordinates ( x = 0..19, y = 0..11 )
sx sy - sector coordinates ( 0..7 )
(if you set sx=8, sy=8, that will export ALL 64 sectors of an area)
(if you also set ax=99, ay=99, that will export ALL areas, or even WHOLE game map)
(you can also set any individual coordinate as you like)
type - with this you can export only one type of objects:
- terrain - terrain mesh (exported separately as .OBJ)
- road - main road
- t1, t2, t3, t4 - four main map object types
- grass - lots of small objects and points (global for the area) - not recommended for extraction
- area - low LOD objects of area (global for the area) - not recommended for extraction
If you dont use type parameter, these will be exported: road,t1,t2,t3,t4
If you use one of global types (grass or area), sx and sy will be ignored (because these types are for whole area)
thecrewmap 1 3 5 7 t1
thecrewmap 1 3 5 7 road
thecrewmap 1 3 5 7
After export, tool will generate:
- ascii files with all map objects (split in 50MB parts)
- transforms text file with hashed names and transform data for all mesh instances
- terrain data: obj file, terrain RAW image and other terrain masks as DDS
- materials and textures lists
- all textures used in selected map part in DX10 format (not including High Resolution textures)
ASCII file will only have the first texture applied for each object. Its usually diffuse map, but sometimes not. This will be fixed later. For auto-loading of textures, you need to replace .XBT extensions to the format you convert them, for example, .PNG