This is everything I was able to get so far and remap. There are some things hidden so you will have to open the file to see what else remains. File [FBX] Size [53MB]
I used model researcher and extracted each part, re assembled the model the best I could by snapping. Then UV mapped the vehicles to the original mapping. Overall extraction for each one took around 30-40 hours. Any questions or comments leave them here or email me at Sorry for any problems I had with anyone on here in the past. I do respect this community and appreciate all the work that is done here. I did learn a lot and was able to figure out the algorithm to this game by this site. So please no drama, all I care to do is share the models I was able to extract. Thank you.
Again? This spam? You don't get it? Nice that you respect this community and learned howto do something, but you don't f*cking understand it. We do just reverse engineering here. This is not a model release community. Nobody cares about that here. Now get this thread spam outta here. If you continue, you gonna get banned, again... not just maybe.
I reversed this myself. Your comment is spam, stay off my post. That simple. Your a leach man. Im trying to share files. Not bicker. Grow up.
Besides. I did all this myself, and I could care less what you say. You mean nothing. Sharing the models does. And Reverse Community. Your dumb as $%# this is a 3D Model Index. Dummy
DJ Normality wrote:I reversed this myself. Your comment is spam, stay off my post. That simple. Your a leach man. Im trying to share files. Not bicker. Grow up.
Besides. I did all this myself, and I could care less what you say. You mean nothing. Sharing the models does. And Reverse Community. Your dumb as $%# this is a 3D Model Index. Dummy
Aww. somebody triggered to use foul language? I know you don't get it. This is the model section of this forum, sure, BUT what is usually requested here is assistance in developing tools or methods to extract models and/or explaining HOW to do so, or threads for releases of TOOLS that do that, NOT sharing WHAT you extracted. Is it that hard to understand? No ripped content is provided here, for, not just maybe, good reasons, like... not getting this website flagged for allowing users to provide lots of potentially protected IP content!!!
And about this spam... I think i told you before... make one thread with your complete collection. You still didn't get that done. Huh.
I try to tell you again: this is a forum for research, NOT for posting your works or models. I have already deleted your other topics because they are off-topic and this one is now locked. Please do NOT open other topics for posting your works. Thanks.
P.S.: I'm very happy that everything is working well but please try to stay on topic.