I worked around my network inexperience and issues saving files to disk without using the print method in quickbms.txt. But i'll need the user to pass at least two arguments to the script: the file path to download and the 'game' region.
And apparently i have no clue how to get QuickBMS to accept more than one script argument.
I tried this one:
Code: Select all
quickbms.exe -G -n -a QUEST/m60038.mib MHP2G_EU DownloadScript.bms "" ""
And this one:
Code: Select all
quickbms.exe -G -n -a QUEST/m60038.mib -a MHP2G_EU DownloadScript.bms "" ""
Aside from that: What's a good way to check in-script if an argument was passed? What's the initial value of an argument? This doesn't seem to work:
Code: Select all
if quickbms_arg1 == ""
edit: I have a lot of questions, apparently! I mentioned doing this for downloading. Currently working on parsing the response header and reached implementing Chunked transfer coding. So there's a line before the chunks, indicating the size of the following chunk in a hex-number in text.
If i get it via "get SIZE line", how do i transfer the hex size text in SIZE into an actual hex number?