Hi guys, it would be nice to have all the Star Ocean 5 images and textures extracted, but I really don't know how to do.
Maybe is very similar to the encryption of Star Ocean Anamnesis (SLZ), but the quickbms script don't work at all, there something different.

Here there are some AIF files of the game PS3 version:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/8syr6bg22 ... s.zip/file
EDIT 02/05/2019
And here there are ALL the AIF and ASF files of the PS4 version of the game, 6.36 GB on mediafire, sorry I don't have enough space on mega and even gdrive

http://www.mediafire.com/file/3q9f6jsl3 ... AIF_ASF.7z
If you need only some little samples just to test, there are 2 files in the zip on the attachment.
Thanks in advance